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What is a Story?

The basics of storytelling.

What is a story anyway?

A story has a beginning, middle, and end

A story has a “shape” and it usually builds like a mountain: beginning; action that speeds up; a high point or "climax"; and a resolution where things come back together in the end.

A story has “cause and effect”! The famous author E.M. Forster explained it best:

  • The queen died (this is a statement)

  • The queen died, then the king died (this is a sequence of events)

  • The queen died, then the king died of grief (Now this is a story!)

Some elements of story:


Characters that surprise!

Dialogue; remember to avoid “Question & Answer” format!



Point of View

- First person (“I” or “We”)

- Second person (“You”)

- Third person (“She,” “He,” or “They”)

Tense (Past, Present)

Inventory and detail

Conflict and tension

Descriptions that make the story easy to visualize:



Sentence-level precision

The story “engine”...the thing that makes you want to turn the page!

Now...want to try writing a fairy tale?


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