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Girl, Put Your Records On!

I'm always trying to figure out a way back into my novel, my short story, my flash piece. That's right, even (especially?) flash fiction requires full immersion and meticulous attention to detail. How to get back in? How? How? How?

This, of course, is the million-dollar question. And there are as many ways to get in as there are excuses to drop right back out—but one of my surefire favorites is the "Soundtrack Method." Yup, it is exactly as it implies: Put together a playlist for the world of your story, especially if it's a novel that's going to take a lot of heavy lifting over vast stretches of time to finish. If your novel is based in the 80s, spray your hair and find songs by Depeche Mode, Run DMC, and Bananarama! If your protagonist is a badass world destroyer, kick it off with "Power" by Kanye West!

Now, slip on your headphones and go for a drive, a walk, heck, just sit on your couch and groove to the music before setting down your first word for the day. Keep adding to the playlist as you continue to write for months—and years—keeping it fresh through first drafts and revisions and final edits and proofreading.


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