Using podcasts to learn the unspoken "rules" of a new genre.
I'm fascinated by ghost stories, especially if they're supposed to be "true." One day, after binging close to fifty creepy Japanese tales on the Kowabana podcast, it dawned on me that the Japanese-horror genre is rife with consistent themes and conceits!
Podcasts are a great place to learn loose genre rules.
Some elements commonly found in Japanese horror stories, comics, movies, and tv shows:
1. Chasing the unattainable
2. Broken promises with dire consequences (often between parents/children or spirits/wanderers)
3. Shinto elements, e.g. kami, gods, demons
4. Grudges of people who've been wronged
5. Abandoned houses
6. Mistreated children
7. Wise grandparents or other elders who save the day...or not
8. Suicide
Try taking on the "Japanese Horror" genre...or binge a genre podcast and come up with a list of rules of your own!